Department of Education, National University of Tainan

*Research Projects
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Research Project from National Science Council

Name Research Projects/No.
Chuan-Ju Lin A Trend Analysis of Learning-Opportunity Equity in Various Subject Areas for Compulsory and Noncompulsory Education Programs
Tien-Hui Chiang The Challenges of Globalization and Localization: the Development of Taiwanese Higher Education System in 1990s
Ding-Ying Guo The Role Expectation on Taiwanese Undergraduates and its Changing in Recent Six Decades
Yin OuYang Effects of Reflection Prompts on Scaffolding Web-based Information Problem Solving Skills for Undergraduate
Hui-Ping Chen A study on relationships among positive psychological capital, attachment, social support, and delinquency of high school student
Chi-Sui Hsu The Effects of Teachers Participate in the Action Learning Group on the Interpersonal Conflicts, Emotion Management and Teachers' Burnout
Mei-Chun Yin A study of influence factors of software piracy behavior: Model established
Po-Chang Chen Theory and practice of curriculum aesthetics in Taiwan alternative schools
Hung-Liang Lee Investigating a Connection Strategy for Elementary Students in Organizing Separate Images Into Connected Concepts Based upon Connection Theory: Analyzing Cause and Effect Relationships in the Worksheet Drawings Introduced by Environmental Education Films
Pao-Nan Chou A study on the relationship between engineering college students' self-directed learning abilities and digital learning performance
Kuan-Chung Chen A Mixed-Methods Study on Senior High School In-service Teachers' Stages of Concern (SoC) and their Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)
Shueh-chin Ting The concepts of beauty and their applications in elementary school leadership
Huey-ing Tzou Adolescent Literacy Crisis--Reading-Writing Integrated Intervention
Pi-Hsia Hung TReading issue 8 : Survey for the Online Reading Comprehension and Strategy - Exploring the Construct Mode
Hsiu-Shuang Huang The study on the instruction model and effect for the e-book reading comprehension in schools
Hsiu-Shuang Huang The effect of the different teaching approach of integrated digital reading and writing curriculum on the digital reading and writing ability of the fifth and the sixth graders of the elementary school
Yin OuYang The Impact of Teacher Facilitation Skills on the Content Quality of Online Discussions and Learning Outcomes
Li-Ching You Rationale of emotional regulation in group conflicts
Cheng-Ping Chang The Relations between Playfulness and Creativity of Mathematics and Science Gifted Students
Ding-Ying Guo The Study of Undergraduates'Care-for-Oneself and the Effect of the Promoting Program
Tien-Hui Chiang Why do Students Study at Underachieved Universities?:The Relationship between Sino-Cultures and the Meanings of University Diplomas
Hsin-Hui Cheng The Deployment of Web Management Platform on Methods to Collect Defensible Information and their Evidential Information Sources for each Key Performance Indicator in the Integrated School Performance Management System of Elementary and Junior High Schools
Mei-Chun Yin A relationship study of elementary school teachers' behavior and potential motivations to pirate software from the perspective of ethical attitudes and ethical computer self efficacy
Chi-Sui Hsu The Construction of Structure of Reflection, Feedback, and Empathy during
Hsin-Hui Cheng Constructing the Key Performance Indicators for Integrative School Performance Management System of Elementary and Junior High Schools
Cheng-Ping Chang An Experimental Study the Class Playfulness Climate and Students' Creativity Performance
Chuan-Ju Lin The Literacy Attainment of Asia Students--Comparison of Effects of Socio-Economic Background on Literacy in Various Subject Areas over Compulsory and Noncompulsory Education Programs at School and Student Levels for Asia Countries
Chih-Ting Hsu A Discourse Analysis of Motherhood Practice of Southeast Asian Mothers in Taiwan Regarding to Its Impact on Their Children's Educational Quandaries
Hung-Liang Lee A Study on the Application and Effectivenes of'Situated Experience Strategy' to Environmental Education in Elementary School: The Integration of 'Transferable Multimedia Materials' into the Unit 'Land Subsidence'
Hsiu-Shuang Huang Longitudinal study of develoment and assessment of experimental teaching on hope curriculum of college students
Mei-Chun Yin The study of teaching and assessment strategies of cooperative e-learning
Chi-Sui Hsu The effects of ' action-reflection ' teaching model to achievement, critical thinking and achievement emotion
Hsin-Hui Cheng Formulating a Practical School Performance Management System: An Integrative Model of School Evaluation, Principal Evaluation and Teacher Evaluation
Chuan-Ju Lin Comparisons of Alternate Treatments for Missing Data in the Investigation of Student Mathematics
Achievement in the Compulsory Education Program
Tien-Hui Chiang The Changes of British Education Reforms since 1979 and the State
Li-Ching You The mechanism for motivating high school students' creative thinking as they experiment with new ways of using superconductors: The interplay between cognition and affect
Tien-Hui Chiang The concept of information transformation of sociology of curriculum in teaching materials development and experiments
Yin OuYang A Web-Based Learning Environment for Children Internet Safety: Pedagogical Design and Preliminary Evaluation
Ding-Ying Guo The Role of Good Student in the Elementary School and Junior High School in Taiwan: The Role Changing in Recent Six Decades
Chuan-Ju Lin Effects of School Difference in Achievement Level on Sampling Efficiency and Stratification Efficiency for Norming Achievement Assessments
Li-Ching You The mechanism for motivating high school students' creative thinking as they experiment with new ways of using superconductors: The interplay between cognition and affect