Department of Education, National University of Tainan

*Online Educational Assessment and Data Analysis
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The purpose of the master and doctoral program in the Graduate Institute of Measurement and Statistics is to provide training and experience to enable graduates to obtain special competence in areas of educational measurement, evaluation and research methodology. The objectives of this program include:
  • Preparing students for positions regarding high quality skills in measurement and assessment and research methodology.
  • Offering training to enable students to develop expertise in constructing reliable and valid assessment instruments in various fields.
  • Helping educational administrators plan innovative workshops or seminars in areas of measurement and assessment.
  • Exploring issues of integrating measurement (and evaluation) and (scientific) technology.
  • Providing professional consultancy in measurement and applied statistics to promote the quality of research design.
  • Hosting regular international seminars to explore the ongoing changes and trends in the fields of measurement and evaluation.

Course Guide

To acquire the MA degree (with thesis), the student must successfully complete at least 32 semester hours of approved study beyond the bachelor's degree. Students study methodological areas such as measurement theory, scaling, and applied test construction, including test development, validation, and application in educational settings. They need to focus on understanding, evaluating, and improving a wide variety of statistical methods used in applied educational research and examine issues in experimental design, regression, and multivariate methods. They conduct studies using analytical, empirical, and computational methods.

During the first year of graduate study, the student and the advisor jointly plan the student's program of studies. The program will include those courses deemed appropriate to the student's interests and vocational objectives. The courses are divided into three fields, including (1) research methodology, (2) measurement theory and application, (3) important issues on measurement and evaluation.

Course Structure: 課程架構