Department of Education, National University of Tainan

*Educational Entrepreneurship & Management
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The objectives of the Institute are learner-centered:
  1. To prepare students with knowledge and skills in educational leadership, organizational management, and educational policy.
  2. To promote students capacity to doing administrators at schools, or managers in public and private institutions.
  3. To help students understand the nature of social science research, and be able to apply its principles and methods in conducting educational inquires.
The graduates from this Institute might serve as leadership at school and as school district administrators, policy analysts and advocators, and scholars of education and education leadership. The adjustment of curriculum for this Graduate Institute has been done according to those purposes mentioned above. The graduates are expected to be prepared for academic training and to be equipped with in-depth learning. The postgraduates are aspired to,

Become thoroughly grounded in the theory and practice of educational leadership;
  1. Develop a broader and deeper understanding of educational organizations in our society;
  2. Be able to lead and support effective teaching and learning for all kinds of students at schools;
  3. Understand the principles of organizational culture and behavior, and possess skills essential to provide effective organizational leadership;
  4. Understand the nature of policy, political systems, and law, and possess the skills required to shape and influence these systems and their products;
  5. Understand contemporary management theory and practice, and be able to apply them into educational field effectively;
  6. Understand the uses of information technology and communication in education and administration effectively;
  7. Understand the nature of social science research, and be able to apply its principles and methods in conducting educational inquiries;
  8. Be aware of the legal and ethical considerations that may give impacts on all aspects of education;
  9. Be committed to the ideals of equity and diversity in educational issues, and possess the skills and knowledge to promote these ideals in practice;
  10. Demonstrate their courage and insights with the critical intelligence to question what they've learnt and form their independent thoughts.
Features and Prospect

The Institute has earned good reputation in research and teaching. It has been awarded as Research Outstanding Institute of the University. In the past four years, four doctoral students were awarded the Oversea Research Scholarship of National Science Council and Ministry of Education, R.O.C.. And each year, more than ten students and alumni pass the principal examination of local governments. In the future, the Institute will continually make its efforts to:
  1. Enhance good reputation in its professional area.
  2. Become a south-based center of principal accreditation, and a center of diagnosis and consultancy of school management.
  3. Establish the“ internet graduate (virtual graduate)” to provide unlimited learning environment to realize the idea of lifelong education.
Student Career Opportunity

The graduates from this Institute might serve:
  1. Leadership at school.
  2. Governmental officers.
  3. District administrators.
  4. Policy analysts and advocators.
  5. Scholars in educational entrepreneurship and management.
  6. Managers of private enterprises.

Course Guide

The Doctoral students should complete 33 credits (not including dissertation study) as the course-work required. On average, full-time students could complete the Doctoral degree course-work requirements and graduate in three to five years. To get Doctorate degree, the graduation of doctoral students must finish:
  1. the required course-work;
  2. meet with success in the qualified examination;
  3. pass an open oral exam for the dissertation proposal;
  4. complete the Doctoral dissertation and pass an opening oral defense;
  5. publish at least three academic papers in the peer-reviewed educational journals;
  6. attend at least twelve seminars which be held by the Institute.

Course Structure:課程架構