Department of Education, National University of Tainan

108-1Microcredit Course-Global Vision Corner
*Selection:課程資訊  *Publisher:林育如
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一、      身分Participants:凡具臺南大學之學生身份者(含研究所)皆可報名。
All of the students at National University of Tainan (including graduate students) can participate in this activity.

二、      指導老師Instructor: Mr. Monrico La Mont Brown

三、      活動期程Duration:108年10月2日至108年12月18日。每週三下午2-4時 2 p.m.-4 p.m. every Wednesday from Oct 2nd to Dec 18th 2019 

四、      活動地點Venue:語文中心文薈樓J406 J building 406

五、      本課程為微學分課程,研究生因無相對應可抵認之自由選修課程,故無法登錄學分。大學部學生參加本課程,需經本中心及所屬學系認定後可抵認自由選修學分,注意事項如下所示:
Global Vision Corner is a pass/fail course. Please note that graduate students can sign up for this course but will not get the credits. Undergraduate students who would like to waive credits with this course must confirm that his/her department acknowledges the credits of the course before signing up for this class.
1. This course is a pass/fail course. Students must attend the class for at least 36 hours in two semester (at least 18 hours of attendance for each semester.) Credits will only be recognized when students fulfill the abovementioned requirement and will be issued in the following semester.
2. The credits of the course must be acknowledged by the designated department. Please confirm if the credits can be acknowledged or not before signing up for the class. Students cannot drop out after the class begins.
3. The session will be on every Wednesday from 2:00 to 4:00 pm, and the class will last for 11 weeks, which is 22 hours in total per semester. The instructor will roll call whenever in class. The credits cannot be counted as valid once a student is absent from class for 3 times or more regardless of the reasons of absence. 

六、      報名時間及報名方式Registration: 
Registration is open until Sep 23rd , please sign up online:

Should you have any question, please contact Ms. Molly at the Language Center in the International Affairs Office at Extension 852.

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